Margolin Development is sponsoring this page to help support Inventors and Invention.

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Join Inventors Association of Arizona in supporting to change the current patent system

History of Patent Wars- 1999

Patent Political Issues- HR 1907 (formerly HR 2654, and HR 1907) The Phony Patent Reform bill passed the House on Wed. August 4. See how Your Congressperson voted - Roll Call 368

HELP Defeat it in the Senate --Write (and Find) Your Senators in the US Senate

Patent Reform Cartoons

Patent Alert-  HR 1907 in Congress NOW- June 1999

George Margolin's Comments on HR 1907

Trudel Group Comments on HR 1907

Patent Alert- S507 to be Attached to Bankruptcy Bill

Article on Patent Fight from Orange County Register with George Margolin featured (large file)

Cuts from the HR 400 Debate on the House Floor

Report of Mike Kirk's Briefing on HR400 by George Margolin (Kirk is now head of IPLA (Intellectual Property Lawyers Association) working again to kill the patent system.)

John Trudel from Upside Magazine article on"Why are people trying to destroy the U.S. patent system?"

John Trudel from Upside magazine article on Electronic Design-InventionDear Readers: Those in Washington who are selling out our patent system to foreign interests are rushing a new bill (HR 400) through on a "fast track" basis. Because HR 400 will most likely be voted on before my new Electronic Design column can run, I am taking the unprecedented step putting it up on my page before it runs in the magazine. Here is an unedited preview copy of column #85. John D. Trudel, April 21, 1997

John Trudel article on"Why Invention is Now ENDING!"

John Trudel _article on The GREAT PATENT SELL_OUT

Write (and Find) Your Representative in the US House

Write (and Find) Your State Senators in the US Senate


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Contact Information:

Margolin Development and Rent An Inventor

Telephone: 949-645-5950
FAX: 949-645-5974
Postal address: PO Box 2846, Newport Beach,CA, 92659 USA

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